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This page is designed to be an introduction to equipment at TMI. It includes links to other TMI web pages with details of the equipment. Highlights of our service is listed here in these bullets:

A vital part of TMI’s mission is to provide faculty and students at UT Austin with the instrumentation and associated infrastructure needed for state-of-the-art materials research. To fulfill this mission, TMI manages a variety of core central facilities, all of which are supported by Ph.D.-level facility managers. This equipment is also available to users from outside of the university. This page is here to provide a quick link to the instruments available on the main campus. Each entry contains a link to web pages for a particular instrument. These pages will have details on location, manager, and use charges.

Users from outside the university will be charged via the normal external business invoice system, External billing procedures.

This is a list of the major equipment for our users. Each link has details of location, price, etc. Maps to UT utmaps.

University of Texas at Austin

              Engineering                                                   UT School of Science